Carpets and spills are the oldest enemies and you can’t keep them aloof if they are under the same roof. It’s quite easy to spill the wine on the carpet but it’s difficult as hell to remove the same. A stumble or less attention or even tripping can make the whole game hazardous for all. It’s quite hard to stop it and before you know it, the liquid will all over the dear spaces on the carpet. And because it is red just over your beautiful carpet, the most common reaction is panicking. Well, here we come with a suggestion to not shiver with confusion at all and follow these simple rules to rule a brilliant interior.
Definitely, a large red splodge could not be hidden but can be removed if right solutions and procedures are used at the right time. You never know if your kitchen cupboard contains some of the best stain removers that you can’t find on any mall’s aisle. And here they are for your quick look:
You have to be quick to adopt this step and should apply when the stain is still wet. First of all, dab as much as you can and then spread salt over the top of the stain created by wine. Let the salt sit overnight which will help to bring up the moisture in next few hours. In next few hours, you will witness that salt has already absorbed the colour of wine and turned into a pinkish colour. Finish it off by scooping up the salt and vacuum the area.
Making a vinegar carpet cleaning solution is quite easy and efficient as well. Put one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid and white vinegar in a bowl with two cups of lukewarm water. Stir the solution and soak a clean cloth in the solution. Dab the drenched cloth onto the wine-stained carpet area to loosen the mark.
Besides dabbing the drenched cloth, use a dry cloth to collect the liquid as you go. Repeat the same procedure till the time of completion. This process can be time-consuming but it’s definitely effective.
Dish Soap
Do you know that dish soap and baking soda can be the brilliant carpet cleaning ingredients? Most commonly found in the kitchen cupboards, they give the really hard fight to the wine stains. Check out some quick methods:
For the light-coloured carpets, a mixture of a little hydrogen peroxide and dish soap together can be of great help. Soak a clean cloth in it and dab it on all over the stain. Let the solution sit over it a little while and then spray cold water onto it and blot with a dry cloth.
Baking Soda
Pour a little water to make the stain damp and to loosen it on the carpet’s fibres. Dab it through the paper towels and absorb as much stain as you can. After this, put a little baking soda over it and then leave it overnight. Next day, dab a dry cloth into white vinegar and then, dab the stained area. Don’t forget to vacuum up the leftover debris. Trust us, the non-stubborn stain will be gone.
For a clean and healthy home, you can contact Karl or Call Sydney Wide Carpet Cleaning on PH 1800-008-985. to get your carpet professionally steam cleaned. We provide a wide range of carpet cleaning services in the Sydney Metropolitan area Includes North Shore, Sutherland Shire, Sydney cbd, Sydney inner west, Sydney Eastern Suburbs and offers 100% clean guarantee on our work.
Note: Every carpet fibers reacts differently and if you don’t know about your carpet and which solutions will be good then please call a professional carpet cleaner at SydneyWideCarpetCleaning 1800-008-985